Statistics of Cell Phone Use While Driving Tell a Sad Story

When you look at the very harrowing statistics of cell phone use while driving, one thing becomes very clear. If you are doing it, and so far you have not been involved in an accident, you are simply one of the lucky ones. Every time you get on the road and use your cell phone while behind the wheel, you put yourself further at risk of having that luck run out.

Nine Americans lose their lives every day from distracted driving. And on average, one out of every four vehicle accidents involved cell phone use.

Driving requires focus. As boring as it can be, and as much as we’ve done it over the years, it still requires just as much focus as it always has. Using a cell phone for either talking or texting always diminishes that focus.

It may just be for seconds. But, according to Huffington Post, the number of seconds that one’s eyes must leave the road in order to send a text is five. The best way to avoid becoming a statistic is by staying vigilant and keeping your eyes on the prize at all times.

No matter if you’re behind the wheel of your MINI or any other car, please don’t text or call and drive.  Your life is worth more than a phone call.